Age regression little
Age regression little

Discussing I kinda want to try other stuff as well like actually diapers but don't know what to do also I'm only 15. While many people with DID have young or child alters, called littles, age regression is something different. When the brain reverts like that, the person regressing or the 'little' mentally is a child. To be honest I want a dom bf/gf but still mam and dad made me wear pullups till I was like 12yrs old and when they stopped buying them for me I had to start using my younger brothers pullups and I've never stopped wearing them and I don'tsee what there problem is I mean I like them it got no negative effect on anybody else and it makes me happy also can I just say I like wearing them i don't like using them eewww don't even ask uuummmm. print Age regression occurs in dissociative identity disorder (DID) particularly, but also in other mental illnesses such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder. Age regression is when the brain reverts to a child-like state to process what is happening/has happened currently or in the past, whether it be trauma, stress, mental illness, or something else. People regress as a form of escape: they want to get away from the realities of their current life. People sometimes revert to childlike behavior to cope with trauma, stress, severe illness, or mental health disorders. It is normal and expected in children but does occur in adulthood as well. I kinda want to tell mam but she said I Need to stop wearing pullups and stuff I love my Teddy and cuddly toys and other cute stuff also love the feel of pullups because I feel safe and calm it also helps me sleep but before mam said I should have just said and she whould have been ok with me wearing them but most recently she said I need to stop and that it was just a bad habit I had. Generally, age regression is a defense mechanism, explains psychologist Cynthia Halow. Age regression is a temporary or long-term reversal of behavior to earlier states of development. If your baby has been encouraged to self-settle from a younger age. 'littles' and age play is sexualizing minors and the idea of being a minor getting raped 'consensually. If you have read our blog on the 4 month sleep regression you will know how a babys. I'm scared AF of talking about me being a possible little or tbdl being bi or gay not sure but probably bi. age regression 'littles' or 'age play' age regression is a psychological issue that is often caused by trauma. ok I think people whould be more exepting about me being gay or bi im probably not straight though.

age regression little

I have no idea on how I can express myself or explain and it's killing me keeping this to myself all the time. an age regression was quickly suggested: an age regression to an important. I also think I am a little or tbdl I can't be bothered to go into details it's way too complicated and confusing i don't think you whould understand it and it's also a weird coping mechanism I have that makes me feel safe and stop stressĪnd I kinda like the idea of a dom sub relationship think it's kind of obvious what role I'd be, also I kind of what a boyfriend or girlfriend not sure what I like but I have some odd thoughts and fantasies feeling about both and I think I could be bi or gay. She over-idealized her husband and strove to be his 'perfect little girl'.

Age regression little